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tay in a Historic Samurai Residence in Murata Town, Miyagi


One of the most unique experiences in Japan is staying in a traditional samurai residence in the charming town of Murata, Miyagi. This property, designated as a cultural property, offers visitors a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in Japan’s rich history. With a centuries-old house located near Murata’s famous “warehouse town,” you will feel as though you’ve traveled back in time.


The Town of Murata – A Glimpse into the Past

Murata Town, known as the “Little Kyoto of Michinoku Miyagi,” prospered as a commercial hub connecting Yamagata and Sendai along an important trade route. The samurai residence where you can stay is just a stone’s throw away from Murata’s traditional streets lined with old merchant warehouses, offering an authentic and historical experience.

村田町 – 過去への窓みちのく宮城の小京都」として知られる村田町は、山形と仙台を結ぶ重要な交易路の商業拠点として栄えました。滞在できる武家屋敷は、村田の伝統的な商家の蔵が並ぶ通りからすぐそばにあり、真に歴史的で本物の体験を提供します。

What is a Samurai Residence?

Samurai residences, or buke-yashiki, were homes built for Japan’s warrior class during the Edo period (1603-1868). These houses reflect the austere, disciplined lifestyle of the samurai, often with elegant, simple architectural elements. Staying in such a house allows you to experience traditional Japanese living, surrounded by wooden architecture and tatami mat flooring.

武家屋敷とは? 武家屋敷は、江戸時代(1603年~1868年)に日本の武士階級のために建てられた家屋です。これらの家は武士の厳しい生活様式を反映しており、優雅でありながらシンプルな建築要素が特徴です。このような家に滞在することで、木造建築や畳の床に囲まれた伝統的な日本の生活を体験できます。

Welcoming Digital Nomads

For those looking to combine history and work, this samurai residence is perfect. The property comes with free Wi-Fi and is fully equipped to offer a comfortable remote work environment, making it ideal for digital nomads seeking a unique experience while working in Japan.

デジタルノマド大歓迎 歴史と仕事を融合させたい方には、この武家屋敷は最適です。物件には無料Wi-Fiが完備されており、リモートワーク環境も整っていますので、日本でユニークな体験をしながら仕事をしたいデジタルノマドに理想的です。

Access and Important Information

Murata Town is just a 30-minute drive from Sendai Station, making it easily accessible for travelers. The samurai residence offers self-check-in for a hassle-free experience. However, please note that as the building is old, it may not have the same insulation as modern houses, especially during the winter season.

アクセスと重要な情報 村田町は仙台駅から車で30分とアクセスが良好で、旅行者に便利です。セルフチェックインが可能で、簡単な手続きで滞在を開始できます。ただし、この建物は古いため、特に冬季には現代の建物と比べて断熱性が低い場合がありますのでご注意ください。

Property Information

  • Accommodation Type: Entire house
  • Max Capacity: 9 people
  • Rooms: 3 bedrooms (7 futons, 1 bed)
  • Bathrooms: 1 bathroom
  • Toilets: 2
  • Check-in: 15:00
  • Check-out: 10:00
  • Additional Person Fee: ¥3,450/night per person from the 5th person onwards


  • 宿泊タイプ: 一軒家貸切
  • 最大収容人数: 9人
  • 部屋数: 寝室3部屋(布団7組、ベッド1台)
  • 浴室: 1
  • トイレ: 2
  • チェックイン: 15:00
  • チェックアウト: 10:00
  • 追加料金: 5人目以降、1泊あたり3,450円

Cancellation Policy

  • 8+ days before: 0% fee
  • 7-6 days before: 10% fee
  • 5-4 days before: 20% fee
  • 3-2 days before: 30% fee
  • 1 day before: 50% fee
  • Same day: 80% fee
  • No-show: 100% fee


  • 8日以上前: 0%
  • 7日~6日前: 10%
  • 5日~4日前: 20%
  • 3日~2日前: 30%
  • 1日前: 50%
  • 当日: 80%
  • 不泊: 100%

Nearby Attractions

While staying in Murata, you will have the opportunity to explore the town’s historical “Warehouse District” (蔵の町並み, Kura no Machinami), which reflects its former prosperity as a trading hub. Walking through this area, you’ll find well-preserved traditional storehouses that date back to the Edo period. The town’s architecture offers a window into Japan’s rich history, allowing visitors to imagine life in the bustling trade town of old.

For nature and wildlife lovers, a short drive away is Zao Fox Village (蔵王キツネ村, Zaō Kitsune Mura). This unique sanctuary is home to over 100 foxes that roam freely in an open environment, offering a one-of-a-kind experience for animal enthusiasts. Visitors can walk among the foxes and learn about their significance in Japanese folklore, where they are often depicted as mystical creatures.

If you prefer relaxation, the famous Akiu Onsen (秋保温泉) is also accessible by car from Murata. Akiu is one of Japan’s oldest and most renowned hot springs, with a history stretching back over 1,500 years. Its healing waters and scenic surroundings make it a perfect destination for a peaceful retreat. You can soak in the rejuvenating waters while enjoying views of the surrounding mountains, or explore nearby waterfalls, such as the impressive Akiu Great Falls (秋保大滝, Akiu Ōtaki), one of Japan’s top 100 waterfalls.

As for local cuisine, Murata offers a range of traditional flavors, including the famous Murata Miso (村田味噌). This locally-produced miso is known for its deep flavor and rich history in the region. You can also try dishes made with fresh ingredients from the surrounding mountains and rivers, providing a true taste of Miyagi’s rural charm. For those interested in crafts, Murata is famous for its traditional woodcrafts, where artisans still create beautiful, hand-made wooden products using techniques passed down through generations.

Access to Nearby Attractions:

Murata is accessible from Sendai Station by bus or car. If you’re taking public transportation, you can catch a bus from Sendai Station that goes directly to Murata, which takes about 60-70 minutes. If you prefer to rent a car, it is only a 30-minute drive from Sendai. The Zao Fox Village is located about 45 minutes by car from Murata, and buses from Shiroishi Station can take you there as well. To reach Akiu Onsen, a bus from Sendai Station takes about 50 minutes, or you can drive there in about 35 minutes.








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